You can have high value content that folks hate. Do you enjoy reading those great books on quantum mechanics$%: Do you enjoy reading those technical write-ups on nanotechnology$%:
If you do, then you're one of a very tiny minority. Folks don't want to go back to school when they are already out of school. Don't make them feel they are preparing for an examination when they are on your site. That is if you want them to stay long enough to read about your "life changer."
In the academic setting, people are trained to impress not communicate. I have worked for a research company and some of the assignments can make you sick. There are high-sounding words, jargon, that will take you days to grasp and, my God, countless references that you'll have to go through to really get hold of one fact.
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Don't do that on your site. It will hurt you!
Write the way you talk to a friend. Better still, write in such a way that you pass across the facts in the easiest way you can. Write so that a twelve year old (Not a prodigy) will understand what you're saying.
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And, believe me, simplifying complex things shows you understand them so well that you can explain them with everyday things. It's my personal experience that people generally make things complex either when they want to show off or when they don't understand what they are talking about fully.
Those who want to read manuals know where to get them. Those who want information know about Wikipedia. What will make them love you is when you write with a simplicity, passion and personality that you don't get in academic publication.
Don't distort the facts. Just make them come alive!