Maintaining a good relationship is part of living healthy. Your communication skills are important to maintaining those relationships that help you be healthy. How do you communicate$%: How often do you communicate$%: Do you initiate conversation$%:
The people we interact with on a regular basis see you at your best and at your worst. You probably want a healthy overflow of those best moments. Communicating wisely and effectively can help you.
No one likes to be offended and no one likes to be insulted. These are common sense statements, but it is amazing how often this is ignored. The usage of profanities in any conversation can be taken as insults at anytime. One of the best ways to avoid this mistake is to make a conscious choice to not use profanity.
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Insults can come in two forms, words and/or gestures. You can avoid a lot of problems by thinking before you speak. Choosing your words before sharing them may be all you need to bring a smile to someone's face rather than a frown.
Think about how you communicate. Sometimes the way you say something can mean the exact opposite of what you intended. Think about the message your body communicates to others.
Crossing your arms can send the message that you don't care or you can't be bothered with the message being communicated to you.
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When was the last time you called that "best friend$%:" Part of communicating is taking the time to say I care by starting conversation and initiating the contact whether it be by phone, email or in person.
Do you initiate contact with your friends and family$%: Do you call and share your thoughts and concerns$%: Sometimes it's up to you to make the contact and this is a healthy way of communicating to others that you care about them. Take the initiative to say that you care.