Public Street fights may not be very common but the effect it leaves behind is a real menace to the society. These open tussles between two people may just turn really ugly, involving bystanders in the process and it becomes heated brawls. In their anger, their common sense goes haywire and destruction of public properties such as parked vehicles, using waste bins as weapons, using anything that they can get hold of and it becomes a nasty fight.
The street fight may just be a contest between two opponents out in the open space. Outside pubs and night clubs; alleys are great sites for these public street fights where supporters gang up and there's a lot of push and pulling, ugly words and such. These fights are in public places and chances are innocents might get caught in the tussle and in the end, they may be the ones left with some severe bruises and cuts and not those who had instigated the street fight. Especially at nighttime, ruffians and thugs are always on the lookout for someone, anyone, to mess around. Also drunks and drug addicts are number are one menace, starting public street fights; in their state, fights are easy to break out. They may just call out some nasty names and rough words, and soon it turns into ugly fist to fist fights; their friends may want to help them, turning into one major public street fight. All these are quite disturbing for many people, disturbing their sleep, damaging their properties, with the sirens of the police cabs and such. All these are more of a vandalism, a real menace.
There are some no gooders too simply roaming around looking for a fight. Especially females, kids, aged are their targets just loitering around to create a scene.
Public street fights are also common outside the college campuses and sport stadiums. Rivals just get outside on the streets and slug it out within a few minutes, crowds and bystanders cheering on and yes, they tend to obstruct passerby's and traffic at times and by the time the cops manages to push in through the crowds, the street fighters may have run off long back. In instances like this, innocent bystanders may also get whacked or pushed in the scuffle. In fact we do have incidents of public getting hurt in the footpaths and streets, unable to quickly duck out during the street fights. During such street fights, there's utter chaos usually, fighters will just kick and punch the opponents, smash them into the parked cars, they will just use anything nearby, chairs will be flying in the air, beer bottles smashed to thousand pieces on the streets and so the mess goes on. As such these public street fights become very dangerous. While walking on the streets one never knows when the next street fight may break out. It's a scary world out there!